We're on to the 5th chakra, moving into the more conceptual, spiritual, granola-y classes of our session.
Which is awesome.  (...my empathy if you're not into that)

Meeting with a friend from my YTT inspired our class explorations today.  We had a great conversation about "authenticity" versus "nice".  Honoring Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is about honoring your personal truth in expression-not about pleasing others in what you say. 

And that, my friends, can be SO hard.  How many times a day do you move away from who YOU are in order to please or pacify who someone ELSE is?  If you're like me, it's a lot.

But life is a work in progress, so keep in it, opening yourself to your authenticity a little more each day.  It's a challenge, but so worth the effort.

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  -Howard Thurman

Also, a little Jack Johnson love.  (click me!)  Jai!

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    Atha Yoga Nusasanam

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras I,I
    "Now the Inquiry of Yoga"

    Yoga is now. Now. And now.
    Yoga happens every moment.

    Here are resources to delve deeper into your practice. 

    It's here if you want to use it.
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    September 2011
    August 2011

