When class is about opening the heart and letting love in, you'd think you should feel all lovey dovey loopy "wonderful world" esque during and after class, right? 
well maybe, if you're like some yoga master guru who has nothing better to do than flip around in Scorpion all day.  BUT if you are a regular human being, like me, or the person practicing next to you, you probably aren't experiencing this blissful "yogic" state all the time.  And that is completely okay.  When we are opening the heart chakra, we are allowing all of our emotions through-not just the blissed out ones.  Here's a great poem about Fish pose that totally gets it.  (click me!)  (slightly different interpretation of the fish we practiced today!)

When I was surfing the net before class, I found a page that describes different thoughts (vrittis) our mind tends to focus on when we are working with Anahata.. and they're not all "blissy."  The ones that really got my attention were -lust -indecision -hope -arrogance and -anxiety.   So yep, it's okay, it's normal, it's natural to have these thoughts during your practice.  Just keep bringing it back to the breath and work through it!

Pam Herath
8/24/2011 03:30:57 am

Awesome Kelly. Is the Blog the resource page you are referring to? I love it. Just starting one. You headed to KYTA conference?

jai love

8/24/2011 06:28:05 am

Thanks! =]
Yeah, I am going to be posting articles/youtube vids/whatever will help take the practice from class into daily life. Just connecting further, you know?

Send me a link when you have yours started up! Can't wait to follow you <3
And no KYTA for me...plane tickets are SO not college-budget-friendly. next time :)

8/26/2011 02:47:14 am

Very true. Love it. And loved seeing you in MN!! You are pure delight. Keep up the good work!

9/9/2011 02:59:00 am

Love this!


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    Atha Yoga Nusasanam

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras I,I
    "Now the Inquiry of Yoga"

    Yoga is now. Now. And now.
    Yoga happens every moment.

    Here are resources to delve deeper into your practice. 

    It's here if you want to use it.
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    September 2011
    August 2011

