...there's not much time for anything else!

Doesn't it feel like our practice goes by so quickly?  Sending LOVE and LIGHT to my early birds <3 
Here are some tidbits that inspired our session... play with your practice and experience the fire!
  • "If you want enlightenment, lighten up" -a friend mentioned this..how true. we always take life too seriously!  
  • What's great about Manipura?  It's all about taking charge of your life and channeling the strong warrior energy inside of you to make positive changes in your experience.  Now THAT is something you can say yes to.
  • Click Me for YJ's interpretation of the chakra... I know, I know, Yoga Journal? Trust me.  It rocks.
  • Annnd here's a preview to next week's "anahata chakra" class...GIVE LOVE

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    Atha Yoga Nusasanam

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras I,I
    "Now the Inquiry of Yoga"

    Yoga is now. Now. And now.
    Yoga happens every moment.

    Here are resources to delve deeper into your practice. 

    It's here if you want to use it.
    (or not)


    September 2011
    August 2011

